So Daniel began by scouring the internet for job vacancies.
He soon found plenty of employers but they left important questions unanswered.
Like how do you find somewhere to live?, what training do you need to work?, and what’s it really like living in the UK?
Daniel discovered you could also get work through recruitment companies. Again, plenty of companies made big promises about job opportunities, but he found only Avanta Care took a genuine interest in his well-being, and getting him settled in the UK.
So he read reviews about us, stories from people we already employ as care workers, and compared our offer with the competition.
Daniel felt a little nervous putting his livelihood in someone else’s hands, especially in a foreign country, but he really appreciated the honest answers we gave to his questions over Skype. That was enough for him to put his trust in Avanta Care.
Soon, Daniel was on the plane to the UK, with a place to stay when he arrived, and a week of intensive Care Certificate training ahead of him.